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Pfeil JM, Barth T, Lagrèze WA, Lorenz B, Hufendiek K, Liegl R, Breuss H, Bemme S, Aisenbrey S, Glitz B, Süsskind D, Gabel-Pfisterer A, Skevas C, Krohne TU, Kakkassery V, Bründer MC, Engelmann K, Guthoff R, Walter P, Choritz L, Stahl A; Retina.net ROP registry study group. Treated Cases of Retinopathy of Prematurity in Germany: 10-Year Data from the Retina.net Retinopathy of Prematurity Registry. Ophthalmol Retina. 2023 Dec 16:S2468-6530(23)00646-2.
Erlenwein J, Petzke F, Tavernini T, Heindl LM, Feltgen N. Der chronische Augenschmerz [Chronic eye pain]. Ophthalmologie. 2023 Dec;120(12):1216-1225.
Gaul C, Fan W, Heindl LM, Jürgens T. Differenzialdiagnosen chronischer Augenschmerzen aus neurologischer Sicht– Was auch dahinterstecken kann [Differential diagnostics of chronic eye pain from a neurological perspective-What can also lie behind it]. Ophthalmologie. 2023 Dec;120(12):1226-1232.
Bolz HJ, Kochs CL, Holz FG, Bucher F, Herrmann P. Erbliche Netzhautdystrophien in Deutschland– Versorgungsstrukturelle und diagnostische Herausforderungen [Inherited retinal diseases in Germany-Challenges in health care supply structure and diagnostics]. Ophthalmologie. 2023 Dec;120(12):1251-1257.
Wu Z, Schmitz-Valckenberg S, Blodi BA, Holz FG, Jaffe GJ, Liakopoulos S, Sadda SR, Bonse M, Brown T, Choong J, Clifton B, Corradetti G, Corvi F, Dieu AC, Dooling V, Pak JW, Saßmannshausen M, Skalak C, Thiele S, Guymer RH. Reticular Pseudodrusen: Interreader Agreement of Evaluation on OCT Imaging in Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Ophthalmol Sci. 2023 May 5;3(4):100325.
Holzem AME, Simon M, Rokohl AC, Heindl LM. Abklärung einer unklaren choroidalen Raumforderung mittels multimodaler Bildgebung [Clarification of an unclear choroidal space-occupying lesion using multimodal imaging]. Ophthalmologie. 2023 Nov;120(11):1151-1155.
Stukavcova J, Simon M, Nemcansky J, Rokohl AC, Kopecky A, Wawer Matos PA, Gaca PJ, Heindl LM. Augenverletzungen beim Feuerwehrsport– Case Report Studies [Ocular injuries in firefighter sports-Case report studies]. Ophthalmologie. 2023 Nov;120(11):1146-1150.
Hamdorf M, Imhof T, Bailey-Elkin B, Betz J, Theobald SJ, Simonis A, Di Cristanziano V, Gieselmann L, Dewald F, Lehmann C, Augustin M, Klein F, Alcazar MAA, Rongisch R, Fabri M, Rybniker J, Goebel H, Stetefeld J, Brachvogel B, Cursiefen C, Koch M, Bock F. The unique ORF8 protein from SARS-CoV-2 binds to human dendritic cells and induces a hyper-inflammatory cytokine storm. J Mol Cell Biol. 2023 Oct 27:mjad062.
Jonas JB, Jonas RA, Jonas SB, Panda-Jonas S. Ciliary body size in chronic angle-closure glaucoma. Sci Rep. 2023 Oct 7;13(1):16914.
Steven P, Perez VL, Sharma A. Murine models of graft versus host disease (GVHD): Focus on ocular GVHD. Ocul Surf. 2023 Oct;30:179-186.
Prokosch V, Dietlein T, Pfeiffer N. Der Gebrauch von Antimetaboliten in der filtrierenden Glaukomchirurgie (Trabekulektomie, XEN, PreserFlo) [The use of antimetabolites in filtrating glaucoma surgery (trabeculectomy, XEN, Preserflo)]. Ophthalmologie. 2023 Oct;120(10):1065-1066.
Leister N, Trieschmann U, Yücetepe S, Ulrichs C, Muenke N, Wendt S, Menzel C, Heindl LM. Nalbuphine as analgesic in preschool children undergoing ophthalmic surgery and the occurrence of emergence delirium. Br J Ophthalmol. 2023 Oct;107(10):1522-1525.
Prinz J, Prokosch V, Liu H, Walter P, Fuest M, Migliorini F. Efficacy of citicoline as a supplement in glaucoma patients: A systematic review. PLoS One. 2023 Sep 28;18(9):e0291836.
Catt C, Pfeil JM, Barthelmes D, Gole GA, Krohne TU, Wu WC, Kusaka S, Zhao P, Dai S, Elder J, Heckmann M, Stack J, Khonyongwa-Fernandez G, Stahl A. Development of a joint set of database parameters for the EU-ROP and Fight Childhood Blindness! ROP Registries. Br J Ophthalmol. 2023 Sep 13:bjo-2023-323915.
Leister N, Bachmann B, Matthaei M, Trieschmann U, Schumacher C, Löw V, Böttiger BW, Schrittenlocher S, Heindl LM, Cursiefen C. Immediate postoperative topical lidocaine gel for the treatment of eye pain following corneal abrasion in descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) under general anaesthesia: a pilot retrospective analysis. BMC Anesthesiol. 2023 Sep 9;23(1):305.
Siebelmann B, Grass G, Matthaei M, Cursiefen C, Gerhardt T, Koeberlein-Neu J, Siebelmann S. Planung und Durchführung von Big Data gestützten Studien in der Augenheilkunde im Lichte der DSGVO. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2023 Sep 4.
Airaldi M, Zheng Y, Aiello F, Bachmann B, Baydoun L, Ní Dhubhghaill S, Dickman MM, Kaye SB, Fontana L, Gadhvi KA, Moramarco A, Rodriguez Calvo de Mora M, Rocha de Lossada C, Scorcia V, Viola P, Calza S, Levis HJ, Parekh M, Ruzza A, Ferrari S, Ponzin D, Semeraro F, Romano V. Preoperative surgeon evaluation of corneal endothelial status: the Viability Control of Human Endothelial Cells before Keratoplasty (V-CHECK) study protocol. BMJ Open Ophthalmol. 2023 Sep;8(1):e001361.
Jonas JB, Jonas RA, Jonas SB, Panda-Jonas S. Choriocapillaris, Photoreceptors, and Inner Retinal Layer in Spatial Relationship to Parapapillary Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta Zones. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2023 Sep 1;64(12):12.
Howaldt A, Hamann M, Hohberger B, Schnichels S. Leadership aus Sicht des ophthalmologischen Nachwuchses [Leadership from the perspective of next generation ophthalmologists]. Ophthalmologie. 2023 Sep;120(9):898-905.
Trommer M, Adams A, Bürkle C, Brunner S, Grandoch A, Geffroy A, Franklin C, Gassa A, Meißner AK, Mellinghoff S, Sharma SJ, Schrittenlocher S, Witte L, Marnitz S. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on training conditions and education in oncologic disciplines: a survey-based analysis. Strahlenther Onkol. 2023 Sep;199(9):806-819.
van Velthoven AJH, Utheim TP, Notara M, Bremond-Gignac D, Figueiredo FC, Skottman H, Aberdam D, Daniels JT, Ferrari G, Grupcheva C, Koppen C, Parekh M, Ritter T, Romano V, Ferrari S, Cursiefen C, Lagali N, LaPointe VLS, Dickman MM. Future directions in managing aniridia-associated keratopathy. Surv Ophthalmol. 2023 Sep-Oct;68(5):940-956.
Rokohl AC, Trester M, Pine KR, Heindl LM. How to diagnose dry anophthalmic socket syndrome (DASS) in the clinical routine. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2023 Sep;261(9):2713-2715.
Clahsen T, Hadrian K, Notara M, Schlereth SL, Howaldt A, Prokosch V, Volatier T, Hos D, Schroedl F, Kaser-Eichberger A, Heindl LM, Steven P, Bosch JJ, Steinkasserer A, Rokohl AC, Liu H, Mestanoglu M, Kashkar H, Schumacher B, Kiefer F, Schulte-Merker S, Matthaei M, Hou Y, Fassbender S, Jantsch J, Zhang W, Enders P, Bachmann B, Bock F, Cursiefen C. The novel role of lymphatic vessels in the pathogenesis of ocular diseases. Prog Retin Eye Res. 2023 Sep;96:101157.
Jonas JB, Jonas RA, Bikbov MM, Wang YX, Panda-Jonas S. Myopia: Histology, clinical features, and potential implications for the etiology of axial elongation. Prog Retin Eye Res. 2023 Sep;96:101156.
Schatten H, Gaca PJ, Tolkach Y, Heindl LM, Doulis AE. Rasch wachsender, hochvaskularisierter Oberlidtumor [Rapidly growing, highly vascularized upper eyelid tumor]. Ophthalmologie. 2023 Sep;120(9):954-956.
Yaïci R, Roth M, Juergens L, Nawaiseh SA, Burkhard D, Besgen V, Fuest M, Girbardt C, Hampel U, Heichel J, Heiligenhaus A, Herwig-Carl MC, Kakkassery V, Kontopoulou K, Löffler KU, Maier PC, Nölle B, Pach J, Paul S, Pleyer U, Pöllmann M, Saeger M, Schmidt E, Siebelmann S, Sokolenko E, Strudel L, Stübiger N, Tarhan M, Theuersbacher J, van Oterendorp C, Walker M, Wiecha C, Wykrota AA, Geerling G. On the Current Care Situation and Treatment of Ocular Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid in Germany. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2023 Sep;240(9):1077-1083.
Menghesha L, Grajewski RS, Krohne TU. Bilaterale Skotome bei COVID-19 [Bilateral Scotomata in COVID-19]. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2023 Aug 29.
Wang X, Wang M, Liu H, Mercieca K, Prinz J, Feng Y, Prokosch V. The Association between Vascular Abnormalities and Glaucoma-What Comes First? Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Aug 25;24(17):13211.
Gaca PJ, Heindl LM, Paulsen F, Ali MJ. Valvular system of the lacrimal drainage pathway and the valve of Rosenmüller. Ann Anat. 2023 Aug;249:152105.
Lüke JN, Reinking N, Dietlein TS, Haendel A, Enders P, Lappas A. Intraoperative primary partial occlusion of the PreserFlo MicroShunt to prevent initial postoperative hypotony. Int Ophthalmol. 2023 Aug;43(8):2643-2651.
Shah PN, Mishra DK, Falahat P, Fischer L, Guzman G, Terheyden JH, Holz FG, Krohne TU, Finger RP, Wintergerst MWM. Inter-Rater Reliability of Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy Assessment on Wide-Field OCT-Angiography and Fluorescein Angiography. Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2023 Jul 3;12(7):13.
Kiessling D, Rennings C, Hild M, Lappas A, Dietlein TS, Roessler GF, Widder RA. Predictability of success for combined iStent inject trabecular bypass implantation with phacoemulsification in the subsequent eye. Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2023 Jul;51(5):437-445.
Fassin AK, Cursiefen C. Massive Dysphotopsie durch Iridotomie bei DMEK [Massive dysphotopsia due to iridotomy in DMEK]. Ophthalmologie. 2023 Jul;120(7):689.
Bai H, Bosch JJ, Heindl LM. Current management of uveal melanoma: A review. Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2023 Jul;51(5):484-494.
Goertz L, Heindl LM, Dorn F, Schlamann M, Kabbasch C. Combined Transarterial and Inferior Ophthalmic Vein Approach to a Direct Carotid-Cavernous Fistula: Technical Note. World Neurosurg. 2023 Jul;175:12-16.
Jiang J, Böhringer D, Auw-Hädrich C, Maier PC, Barth T, Eter N, Fuest M, Geerling G, Heindl LM, Herwig-Carl M, Hintschich C, Hufendiek K, Kampik D, Lieb W, Meller D, Mueller A, Pfeiffer N, Rehak M, Schargus M, Seitz B, Spitzer M, Stahl A, Süsskind D, van Oterendorp C, Wagner FM, Westekemper H, Ziemssen F, Reinhard T. Current Practice in the Treatment of Epithelial and Melanocytic Tumours with Interferon-α2b: A Survey of Tertiary Eye Centres in Germany. Klein Monbl Augenheilkd. 2023 Jul;240(7):891-896.
Hartmann A, Bertram B, Siebelmann S, Böhm M, Faber H, Zhour A, Schuster AK. Berufliche Zukunftsperspektive von Augenärzten unter 49 Jahren : Eine Umfrage in Deutschland aus dem Jahr 2022 [Career prospects for ophthalmologists under 49 years old : A survey in Germany from 2022]. Ophthalmologie. 2023 Jul;120(7):726-733.
Romano D, Bremond-Gignac D, Barbany M, Rahman A, Mauring L, Semeraro F, Cursiefen C, Lagali N, Romano V. Artificial iris implantation in congenital aniridia: A systematic review. Surv Ophthalmol. 2023 Jul-Aug;68(4):794-808.
Wiedemann J, Cursiefen C. Bandkeratopathie bei ektoper Vitamin-D-Produktion bei Sarkoidose [Band keratopathy in ectopic vitamin D production in sarcoidosis]. Ophthalmologie. 2023 Jul;120(7):763-766.
Meshko B, Volatier TLA, Hadrian K, Deng S, Hou Y, Kluth MA, Ganss C, Frank MH, Frank NY, Ksander B, Cursiefen C, Notara M. ABCB5+ Limbal Epithelial Stem Cells Inhibit Developmental but Promote Inflammatory (Lymph) Angiogenesis While Preventing Corneal Inflammation. Cells. 2023 Jun 27;12(13):1731.
Heindl LM, Li S, Ting DSW, Keane PA. Artificial intelligence in ophthalmological practice: when ideal meets reality. BMJ Open Ophthalmol. 2023 Jun;8(1):e001129.
Heichel J, Heindl LM, Struck HG. Angeborene Fehlbildungen der ableitenden Tränenwege [Congenital anomalies in lacrimal drainage]. Laryngorhinootologie. 2023 Jun;102(6):423-433.
Li JQ, Pfeil JM, Stahl A, Krohne TU. Spätfolgen der Frühgeborenenretinopathie im Kindesalter [Late sequelae of retinopathy of prematurity in infancy]. Ophthalmologie. 2023 Jun;120(6):588-596.
Schaub F, Schiller P, Hoerster R, Fauser S, Kirchhof B. Reply. Ophthalmology. 2023 Jun;130(6):e21-e22.
Bachmann BO, Matthaei M, Schlereth S, Cursiefen C. Corneal Hydrops -Aetiology and Advanced Therapeutic Strategies. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2023 Jun;240(6):795-802.
Erlenwein J, Meißner W, Heindl LM, Leister N, Castello R, Feltgen N. Beschluss des Gemeinsamen Bundesausschuss (G-BA) zur verpflichtenden Einführung und Umsetzung von Akutschmerzmanagementkonzepten– Bedeutung und Konsequenzen für die Ophthalmologie [Resolution of the Federal Joint Committee on the mandatory introduction and implementation of acute pain management concepts-Importance and consequences for ophthalmology]. Ophthalmologie. 2023
Thee EF, Acar İE, Colijn JM, Meester-Smoor MA, Verzijden T, Baart SJ, Jarboui MA, Fauser S, Hoyng CB, Ueffing M, den Hollander AI, Klaver CCW; European Eye Epidemiology Consortium and EYE-RISK Project. Systemic Metabolomics in a Framework of Genetics and Lifestyle in Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Metabolites. 2023 May 27;13(6):701.
Goesmann L, Refaian N, Bosch JJ, Heindl LM. Characterization and Quantitation of the Tumor Microenvironment of Uveal Melanoma. Biology (Basel). 2023 May 19;12(5):738.
Jonas JB, Jonas RA, Jonas SB, Panda-Jonas S. Myopic Versus Glaucomatous Parapapillary Beta Zone in Myopic Eyes Versus Eyes With Secondary Angle-Closure Glaucoma. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2023 May 1;64(5):25.
Matthaei M, Fassin A, Mestanoglu M, Howaldt A, Schrittenlocher SA, Schlereth S, Roters S, Grajewski RS, Bachmann BO, Cursiefen C. Blood-Aqueous Barrier Disruption in Penetrating and Posterior Lamellar Keratoplasty: Implications for Clinical Outcome. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2023 May;240(5):677-682.
Steven P. Differenzialdiagnosen des okulären Schleimhautpemphigoids [Differential diagnoses of ocular mucous membrane pemphigoid]. Ophthalmologie. 2023 May;120(5):478-483.
Schöneberger V, Menghesha L, Feltgen N, Fuchsluger TA, Cursiefen C, Schaub F. Relevance of Laser Flare Photometry in Retinal Pathologies. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2023 May;240(5):669-676.
Azzopardi M, Prokosch-Willing V, Michelessi M, Fea AM, Oddone F, Mercieca K. The current use of glaucoma virtual clinics in Europe. Eye (Lond). 2023 May;37(7):1350-1356.
Hayashi T, Iliasian RM, Matthaei M, Schrittenlocher S, Masumoto H, Tanabe M, Tabuchi H, Siggel R, Bachmann B, Cursiefen C, Siebelmann S. Transferability of an Artificial Intelligence Algorithm Predicting Rebubblings After Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty. Cornea. 2023 May 1;42(5):544-548.
Li JQ, Welchowski T, Schmid M, Finger RP. Prevalence and Incidence of Registered Severe Visual Impairment and Blindness Due to Uveitis in Germany. Ocul Immunol Inflamm. 2023 Apr 24:1-5.
Farassat N, Böhringer D, Küchlin S, Molnár FE, Schwietering A, Seger D, Hug MJ, Knöbel AB, Schneider-Fuchs S, Ihorst G, Wabbels B, Beisse C, Ziemssen F, Schuettauf F, Hedergott A, Ring-Mangold T, Schuart C, Wolf A, Schmickler S, Biermann J, Eberwein P, Hufendiek K, Eckstein A, Gusek-Schneider G, Schittkowski M, Lischka T, Lagrèze WA. Low-dose AtropIne for Myopia Control in Children (AIM): protocol for a randomised, controlled, double-blind, multicentre, clinical trial with two parallel arms. BMJ Open. 2023 Apr 20;13(4):e068822.
Nuzhat N, Van Schil K, Liakopoulos S, Bauwens M, Rey AD, Käseberg S, Jäger M, Willer JR, Winter J, Truong HM, Gruartmoner N, Van Heetvelde M, Wolf J, Merget R, Grasshoff-Derr S, Van Dorpe J, Hoorens A, Stöhr H, Mansard L, Roux AF, Langmann T, Dannhausen K, Rosenkranz D, Wissing KM, Van Lint M, Rossmann H, Häuser F, Nürnberg P, Thiele H, Zechner U, Pearring JN, De Baere E, Bolz HJ. CEP162 deficiency causes human retinal degeneration and reveals a dual role in ciliogenesis and neurogenesis. J Clin Invest. 2023 Apr 17;133(8):e161156.
Duan CY, Fan WL, Chen F. Roles of Optineurin and Extracellular Vesicles in Glaucomatous Retinal Cell Loss. Curr Med Sci. 2023 Apr;43(2):367-375.
Prokosch V, Dietlein T, Pfeiffer N. Neue und alte Verfahren der Glaukomchirurgie im Vergleich : Trabekulektomie, PreserFlo und XEN [Comparison of new and old procedures in glaucoma surgery : Trabeculectomy, Preserflo and XEN]. Ophthalmologie. 2023 Apr;120(4):350-357.
Lüke JN, Enders P, Lappa A, Dietlein TS. Revision des PRESERFLO® MicroShunts mit Ologen und MitomycinC [Revision of the PRESERFLO® MicroShunt with ologen and mitomycinC]. Ophthalmologie. 2023 Apr;120(4):440-442.
Wawer Matos PA, Reimer RP, Rokohl AC, Caldeira L, Heindl LM, Große Hokamp N. Artificial Intelligence in Ophthalmology - Status Quo and Future Perspectives. Semin Ophthalmol. 2023 Apr;38(3):226-237.
Li X, Li S, Fan W, Rokohl AC, Ju S, Ju X, Guo Y, Heindl LM. Recent advances in graves ophthalmopathy medical therapy: a comprehensive literature review. Int Ophthalmol. 2023 Apr;43(4):1437-1449.
Menghesha L, Schoeneberger V, Gerlach S, Lemke J, Krohne TU, Feltgen N, Schaub F. Association between laser flare photometry and symptom duration in primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. Int Ophthalmol. 2023 Apr;43(4):1345-1351.
Wawer Matos PA, Rokohl AC, Doulis A, Simon M, Zwingelberg S, Roters S, Heindl LM. Multimodale Bildgebung bei einseitiger rötlicher Irisläsion [Multimodal imaging of a unilateral reddish iris lesion]. Ophthalmologie. 2023 Apr;120(4):423-425.
Guo Y, Rokohl AC, Fan W, Theodosiou R, Li X, Lou L, Gao T, Lin M, Yao K, Heindl LM. A novel standardized approach for the 3D evaluation of upper eyelid area and volume. Quant Imaging Med Surg. 2023 Mar 1;13(3):1686-1698.
Hadrian K, Musial G, Schönberg A, Georgiev T, Küper C, Bock F, Jantsch J, Cursiefen C, Eming SA, Hos D. The role of the osmosensitive transcription factor NFAT5 in corneal edema resorption after injury. Exp Mol Med. 2023 Mar;55(3):565-573.
Gaca PJ, Rejdak R, Lewandowicz M, Kopecky A, Kakkassery V, Heindl LM. Chirurgische Exzision von Lidtumoren und anschließende ophthalmoplastische Rekonstruktionen [Surgical excision of eyelid tumors and subsequent ophthalmoplastic reconstruction]. Ophthalmologie. 2023 Mar;120(3):252-261.
Varde MA, Heindl LM, Kakkassery V. SOP-Lidtumoren [SOP eyelid tumors]. Ophthalmologie. 2023 Mar;120(3):271-272.
Varde MA, Heindl LM, Kakkassery V. Diagnose und Therapie der benignen Lidtumoren [Diagnosis and treatment of benign eyelid tumors]. Ophthalmologie. 2023 Mar;120(3):240-251.
Gniesmer S, Sonntag SR, Schiemenz C, Ranjbar M, Heindl LM, Varde MA, Emmert S, Grisanti S, Kakkassery V. Diagnose und Therapie der malignen Lidtumoren [Diagnosis and treatment of malignant eyelid tumors]. Ophthalmologie. 2023 Mar;120(3):262-270.
Feenstra HMA, Diederen RMH, Lamme MJCM, Tsonaka R, Fauser S, Yzer S, van Rijssen T, Gkika T, Downes SM, Schlingemann RO, Hoyng CB, van Dijk EHC, Boon CJF. Increasing evidence for the safety of fovea-involving half-dose photodynamic therapy for chronic serous chorioretinopathy. Retina. 2023 Mar 1;43(3):379-388.
Zwingelberg S, Li S, Doulis A, Simon M, Wawer Matos PA, Rokohl AC, Heindl LM. Novel preloaded monocanalicular silicone stent for nasolacrimal duct intubation. Br J Ophthalmol. 2023 Mar;107(3):302-303.
Rokohl AC, Wall K, Trester M, Wawer Matos PA, Guo Y, Adler W, Pine KR, Heindl LM. Novel point-of-care biomarkers of the dry anophthalmic socket syndrome: tear film osmolarity and matrix metalloproteinase 9 immunoassay. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2023 Mar;261(3):821-831.
Spaniol K, Hellmich M, Borgardts K, Girbardt C, Maier P, Reinhard T, Torun N, Maier AK, Thaler S, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Wiedemann P, Seitz B, Daas L, Schrittenlocher S, Cursiefen C, Bachmann B, Geerling G. DMEK outcome after one year - Results from a large multicenter study in Germany. Acta Ophthalmol. 2023 Mar;101(2):e215-e225.
Händel A, Siebelmann S, Lüke JN, Matthaei M, Cursiefen C, Bachmann B. Influence of Body Position on Intraocular Pressure After Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty: A Prospective Randomized Trial. Cornea. 2023 Mar 1;42(3):320-325.
Lentzsch AM, Siggel R, Schnorr C, Holtick U, Liakopoulos S. Long-term follow-up of asymmetric bilateral diffuse uveal melanocytic proliferation in a patient with metastasized urothelial carcinoma. Retin Cases Brief Rep. 2023 Mar 1;17(2):105-110.
Stingl JV, Wagner FM, Liebezeit S, Baumgartner R, Spät H, Schuster AK, Prokosch V, Grehn F, Hoffmann EM. Long-Term Efficacy and Safety of Modified Canaloplasty Versus Trabeculectomy in Open-Angle Glaucoma. Life (Basel). 2023 Feb 13;13(2):516.
Jonas JB, Bikbov MM, Wang YX, Jonas RA, Panda-Jonas S. Anatomic Peculiarities Associated with Axial Elongation of the Myopic Eye. J Clin Med. 2023 Feb 7;12(4):1317.
Volatier T, Schumacher B, Meshko B, Hadrian K, Cursiefen C, Notara M. Short-Term UVB Irradiation Leads to Persistent DNA Damage in Limbal Epithelial Stem Cells, Partially Reversed by DNA Repairing Enzymes. Biology (Basel). 2023 Feb 7;12(2):265.
Panda-Jonas S, Auffarth GU, Jonas JB, Jonas RA. Myopic macular Bruch's membrane defects. Heliyon. 2023 Jan 25;9(2):e13257.
Heindl LM, Rokohl AC. Aktuelle Aspekte der augenprothetischen Versorgung : Operationstechniken, Komplikationen des Prothesentragens und spezielle Herausforderungen bei Kindern [Current aspects of prosthetic eye care : Surgical techniques, complications of prosthetic eye wearing, and special challenges in children]. Ophthalmologie. 2023 Feb;120(2):124-125.
Lauber R, Kopecky A, Wawer Matos PA, Simon M, Rokohl AC, Heindl LM. Komplikationen der anophthalmischen Orbita– Therapie und Nachsorge [Complications of anophthalmic orbits-Treatment and aftercare]. Ophthalmologie. 2023 Feb;120(2):150-159.
Kowanz DH, Wawer Matos PA, Gordon E, Doulis A, Simon M, Rokohl AC, Heindl LM. Eviszeration, Enukleation, Exenteration– Indikationen, Techniken und postoperative Nachsorge [Evisceration, enucleation and exenteration-Indications, techniques, and postoperative care]. Ophthalmologie. 2023 Feb;120(2):126-138.
Prokosch V, Li P, Shi X. Glaucoma as a Neurodegenerative and Inflammatory Disease. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2023 Feb;240(2):125-129.
Fan W, Rokohl AC, Kupka P, Hou X, Liu J, Li S, Kopecky A, Ju S, Matos PAW, Guo Y, Heindl LM. Reproducibility of Three-Dimensional Volumetric Measurement of Periocular Tumor Models. Ophthalmol Ther. 2023 Feb;12(1):111
Zwingelberg SB, Bresgen S, Cursiefen C, Schaub F. Vitreomacular traction after phakic, pseudophakic, and triple DMEK surgery. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2023 Feb;261(2):595-597.
Jonas JB, Zhang Q, Xu L, Wei WB, Jonas RA, Wang YX. Parapapillary gamma zone enlargement in a 10-year follow-up: the Beijing Eye Study 2001-2011. Eye (Lond). 2023 Feb;37(3):524-530.
Siggel R, Spital C, Lentzsch A, Liakopoulos S. Optical coherence tomography angiography for the detection of macular neovascularization-comparison of en face versus cross-sectional view. Eye (Lond). 2023 Feb;37(2):256-262.
Jonas JB, Zhang Q, Xu L, Wei WB, Jonas RA, Wang YX. Change in the ophthalmoscopical optic disc size and shape in a 10-year follow-up: the Beijing Eye Study 2001-2011. Br J Ophthalmol. 2023 Feb;107(2):283-288.
Hata M, Andriessen EMMA, Hata M, Diaz-Marin R, Fournier F, Crespo-Garcia S, Blot G, Juneau R, Pilon F, Dejda A, Guber V, Heckel E, Daneault C, Calderon V, Des Rosiers C, Melichar HJ, Langmann T, Joyal JS, Wilson AM, Sapieha P. Past history of obesity triggers persistent epigenetic changes in innate immunity and exacerbates neuroinflammation. Science. 2023 Jan 6;379(6627):45-62.
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Händel A, Siebelmann S, Matthaei M, Cursiefen C, Bachmann B. Mini-DMEK for the Treatment of Chronic Focal Corneal Endothelial Decompensation. Cornea. 2023 Jan 1;42(1):12-19.
Rokohl AC, Pine NS, Adler W, Bartenschlager LAK, Wawer Matos PA, Trester M, Pine KR, Pförtner TK, Heindl LM. Health Literacy in Patients Wearing Prosthetic Eyes: A Prospective Cross-Sectional Study. Curr Eye Res. 2023 Jan;48(1):11-17.
Liu J, Rokohl AC, Liu H, Fan W, Li S, Hou X, Ju S, Guo Y, Heindl LM. Age-related changes of the periocular morphology: a two- and three-dimensional anthropometry study in Caucasians. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2023 Jan;261(1):213-222.
Gaca PJ, Rejdak R, Doulis A, Wawer-Matos PA, Rokohl AC, Heindl LM. Ungewöhnliche druckindolente Raumforderung im temporalen Lidwinkel [Uncommon indolent mass in the temporal angle of the right eyelid]. Ophthalmologie. 2023 Jan;120(1):89-92.
Lüke JN, Alquoqa H, Alsamman A, Aljabary B, Schaub F, Heindl LM. Retrospective analysis of OCT parameters after intravitreal anti-VEGF inhibitors in neovascular AMD patients in a real-world setting. Int Ophthalmol. 2023 Jan;43(1):13-25.
Schoeneberger V, Eberhardt S, Menghesha L, Enders P, Cursiefen C, Schaub F. Association between blood-aqueous barrier disruption and extent of retinal detachment. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2023 Jan;33(1):421-427.
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Panda-Jonas S, Jonas JB, Jonas RA. Inner limiting membrane bridges within Bruch's membrane defects in pathological myopia. Sci Rep. 2022 Dec 10;12(1):21400.
Panda-Jonas S, Jonas JB, Jonas RA. Photoreceptor density in relation to axial length and retinal location in human eyes. Sci Rep. 2022 Dec 9;12(1):21371.
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Zhang W, Schönberg A, Bassett F, Hadrian K, Hos D, Becker M, Bock F, Cursiefen C. Different Murine High-Risk Corneal Transplant Settings Vary Significantly in Their (Lymph)angiogenic and Inflammatory Cell Signatures. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2022 Dec 1;63(13):18.
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Wall K, Rokohl AC, Scheiff AB, Katlun T, Heindl LM. Ophthalmologische Arzneitherapie bei Profisportlern– Was ist erlaubt, was Doping? [Ophthalmic drug therapy in professional athletes-what is allowed, what is doping?]. Ophthalmologie. 2022 Dec;119(12):1250-1256.
Li JQ, Rokohl AC, Pütz K, Händel A, Heindl LM, Cursiefen C. Block excision and tectonic corneoscleral grafting for epithelial implantation cyst after intraocular contact lens implantation. Acta Ophthalmol. 2022 Dec;100(8):e1746-e1748.
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Wiedemann J, Altay L, Neugebauer A, Krohne T, Cursiefen C. Visual complaints in pregnancy: (pre)eclampsia as a chameleon. GMS Ophthalmol Cases. 2022 Nov 21;12:Doc21.
Hou XY, Rokohl AC, Meinke MM, Li SM, Lin M, Jia RB, Guo YW, Heindl LM. A modified 3D stereophotogrammetry-based distraction test for assessing lower eyelid tension. Int J Ophthalmol. 2022 Nov 18;15(11):1757-1764.
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Rokohl AC, Wall K, Trester M, Wawer Matos PA, Guo Y, Adler W, Pine KR, Heindl LM. Novel point-of-care biomarkers of the dry anophthalmic socket syndrome: tear film osmolarity and matrix metalloproteinase 9 immunoassay. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2022 Nov 11.
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Jonas JB, Xu L, Wei WB, Jonas RA, Wang YX. Progression and associated factors of lacquer cracks/patchy atrophies in high myopia: the Beijing Eye Study 2001-2011. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2022 Oct;260(10):3221-3229.
Dooling V, Lappas A, Dietlein TS. Is canaloplasty with mitomycin c a safe procedure in myopic glaucoma? Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2022 Oct;260(10):3339-3347.
Gietzelt C, Lüke JN, Adler W, Dietlein TS, Lappas A, Prokosch-Willing V, Roters S, Heindl LM, Cursiefen C, Enders P. Short-term changes in Bruch's membrane opening-based morphometrics during the first week after trabeculectomy. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2022 Oct;260(10):3321-3329.
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Händel A, Lüke JN, Siebelmann S, Franklin J, Roters S, Matthaei M, Bachmann BO, Cursiefen C, Hos D. Outcomes of deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty and penetrating keratoplasty in keratoconic eyes with and without previous hydrops. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2022 Sep;260(9):2913-2923.
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Ju X, Gaca P, Fan W, Rokohl AC, Guo Y, Wawer Matos PA, Emmert S, Kakkassery V, Heindl LM. Therapy Failure and Resistance Mechanism in Eyelid and Ocular Surface Tumors. Neurosignals. 2022 Aug 25;30(S1):21-38.
Katsinas N, Gehlsen U, García-Posadas L, Rodríguez-Rojo S, Steven P, González-García MJ, Enríquez-de-Salamanca A. Olive Pomace Phenolic Compounds: From an Agro-Industrial By-Product to a Promising Ocular Surface Protection for Dry Eye Disease. J Clin Med. 2022 Aug 11;11(16):4703.
Karg MM, John L, Refaian N, Buettner C, Rottmar T, Sommer J, Bock B, Resheq YJ, Ksander BR, Heindl LM, Mackensen A, Bosch JJ. Midkine Promotes Metastasis and Therapeutic Resistance via mTOR/RPS6 in Uveal Melanoma. Mol Cancer Res. 2022 Aug 5;20(8):1320-1336.
Rokohl AC, Kopecky A, Trester M, Wawer Matos PA, Pine KR, Heindl LM. Post-enucleation socket syndrome-a novel pathophysiological definition. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2022 Aug;260(8):2427-2431.
Schrittenlocher S, Matthaei M, Bachmann B, Cursiefen C. The Cologne-Mecklenburg-Vorpommern DMEK Donor Study (COMEDOS) - design and review of the influence of donor characteristics on Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) outcome. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2022 Aug;260(8):2417-2426.
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Kiessling D, Rennings C, Hild M, Lappas A, Dietlein TS, Roessler GF, Widder RA. Predictability of success and open conjunctival revision rates in the subsequent eye after XEN45 Gel Stent implantation according to lens status. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2022 Aug;260(8):2639-2647.
Tahmaz V, Siebelmann S, Koch KR, Cursiefen C, Langenbucher A, Hoerster R. Evaluation of a Novel Non-Diffractive Extended Depth of Focus Intraocular Lens - First Results from a Prospective Study. Curr Eye Res. 2022 Aug;47(8):1149-1155.
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Liu H, Bell K, Herrmann A, Arnhold S, Mercieca K, Anders F, Nagel-Wolfrum K, Thanos S, Prokosch V. Crystallins Play a Crucial Role in Glaucoma and Promote Neuronal Cell Survival in an In Vitro Model Through Modulating Müller Cell Secretion. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2022 Jul 8;63(8):3.
Heindl LM, Kakkassery V. Lymphome am und im Auge– Wandel in Diagnostik und Therapie durch Innovation in der molekularbiologischen Forschung [Lymphoma on and in the eye-Change in diagnostics and treatment through innovation in molecular biological research]. Ophthalmologie. 2022 Jul;119(7):662-663.
Schiemenz C, Lüken S, Klassen AM, Ranjbar M, Illerhaus G, Fend F, Heindl LM, Chronopoulos A, Grisanti S, Kakkassery V. Klinisches Vorgehen bei intraokulären Lymphomen [Clinical procedures for intraocular lymphomas]. Ophthalmologie. 2022 Jul;119(7):675-685.
Schiemenz C, Kakkassery V, Heindl LM. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) zur Versorgung von peri- und intraokulären Lymphomen [Standard operating procedure (SOP) for best care of periocular and intraocular lymphomas]. Ophthalmologie. 2022 Jul;119(7):692.
Fend F, Bonzheim I, Kakkassery V, Heindl LM, Illerhaus G. Lymphome des Auges und seiner Adnexe : Moderne pathologische Diagnostik und systemische Therapie [Lymphoma of the eye and its adnexa : Modern pathological diagnostics and systemic treatment]. Ophthalmologie. 2022 Jul;119(7):664-674.
Maier RF, Hummler H, Kellner U, Krohne TU, Lawrenz B, Lorenz B, Mitschdörfer B, Roll C, Stahl A. National guideline for ophthalmological screening of premature infants in Germany (S2k level, AWMF guidelines register no. 024/010, March 2020): Joint recommendation of the German Ophthalmological Society (DOG), German Retina Society (RG), Professional Association of Ophthalmologists in Germany (BVA), German Society of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine (DGKJ), Professional Association of Pediatricians (BVKJ), Federal Association "The Premature Infant", Society for Neonatology and Pediatric Intensive Care Medicine (GNPI). Ophthalmologie. 2022 Jul;119(Suppl 2):123-136.
Thee EF, Colijn JM, Cougnard-Grégoire A, Meester-Smoor MA, Verzijden T, Hoyng CB, Fauser S, Hense HW, Silva R, Creuzot-Garcher C, Ueffing M, Delcourt C, den Hollander AI, Klaver CCW; European Eye Epidemiology Consortium and EYE-RISK Project. The Phenotypic Course of Age-Related Macular Degeneration for ARMS2/HTRA1: The EYE-RISK Consortium. Ophthalmology. 2022 Jul;129(7):752-764.
Simon M, Wawer Matos PA, Meinel J, Rokohl AC, Heindl LM. Klinisches Vorgehen bei periokulären Lymphomen [Clinical approach for periocular lymphoma]. Ophthalmologie. 2022 Jul;119(7):686-691.
Gietzelt C, Fricke J, Neugebauer A, Hedergott A. Prism adaptation test before strabismus surgery in patients with decompensated esophoria and decompensated microesotropia. Int Ophthalmol. 2022 Jul;42(7):2195-2204.
Mestanoglu M, Händel A, Cursiefen C, Hos D. Three-year follow-up of high-risk keratoplasty following fine-needle diathermy of corneal neovascularization combined with bevacizumab. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2022 Jul;260(7):2383-2385.
Kopecký A, Rokohl AC, Wawer Matos PA, Němčanský J, Heindl LM. Cheek-midface lifting with lateral canthoplasy for the repair of complex iatrogenic lower eyelid ectropion. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2022 Jul;32(4):2085-2092.
Maier RF, Hummler H, Kellner U, Krohne TU, Lawrenz B, Lorenz B, Mitschdörfer B, Roll C, Stahl A. National guideline for ophthalmological screening of premature infants in Germany (S2k level, AWMF guidelines register no. 024/010, March 2020) : Joint recommendation of the German Ophthalmological Society (DOG), German Retina Society (RG), Professional Association of Ophthalmologists in Germany (BVA), German Society of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine (DGKJ), Professional Association of Pediatricians (BVKJ), Federal Association "The Premature Infant", Society for Neonatology and Pediatric Intensive Care Medicine (GNPI). Ophthalmologie. 2022 Jul;119(Suppl 2):123-136.
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Rokohl AC, Heindl LM, Cursiefen C, Roters S. Phosphatausfällungen am Hornhautendothel nach „Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty“? [Phosphate precipitation on the corneal endothelium after Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty?]. Ophthalmologie. 2022 Jun;119(6):549.
Schaub F, Mele B, Gass P, Ader M, Helbig H, Lagrèze WA, Schlötzer-Schrehardt U, Ueffing M, Cursiefen C; das DOG Forschungslandkartenteam. Wissenschaftliche Leistungen augenheilkundlicher Forschungseinrichtungen in Deutschland 2018 bis 2020 : Studien, Publikationen, Drittmittelförderungen und mehr – Die Forschungslandkarte der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft (DOG) [Scientific performance of ophthalmological research institutions in Germany 2018-2020 : Studies, publications, third-party funding and more-The research map of the German Ophthalmological Society (DOG)]. Ophthalmologie. 2022 Jun;119(6):582-590.
Fan W, Rokohl AC, Guo Y, Heindl LM. The iPad/iPhone 3D photography app-a promising device, but how about its accuracy? Ann Transl Med. 2022 Jun;10(11):649.
Setu MAK, Schmidt S, Musial G, Stern ME, Steven P. Segmentation and Evaluation of Corneal Nerves and Dendritic Cells From In Vivo Confocal Microscopy Images Using Deep Learning. Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2022 Jun 1;11(6):24.
Gaca PJ, Lewandowicz M, Lipczynska-Lewandowska M, Simon M, Rejdak R, Wawer-Matos PA, Doulis AE, Rokohl AC, Heindl LM. Die embryologische und fetale Entwicklung der Orbita, der Augenlider und des Tränenwegsystems. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2022 Jun;239(6):820-822.
Hou X, Rokohl AC, Meinke MM, Zhang M, Guo Y, Heindl LM. Digital Photogrammetry for Assessing Medial Canthal Tendon Laxity: Novel Standardized Three-Dimensional Versus Traditional Two-Dimensional Lateral Distraction Test. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2022 Jun;80(6):1033-1039.
Busshoff J, Datta RR, Bruns T, Kleinert R, Morgenstern B, Pfister D, Chiapponi C, Fuchs HF, Thomas M, Gietzelt C, Hedergott A, Möller D, Hellmich M, Bruns CJ, Stippel DL, Wahba R. Gender benefit in laparoscopic surgical performance using a 3D-display system: data from a randomized cross-over trial. Surg Endosc. 2022 Jun;36(6):4376-4385.
Roters S, Rokohl AC, Heindl LM, Cursiefen C. Novel eccentric corneoscleral donor preparation technique providing corneoscleral tectonic and central split corneal grafts for multiple recipients. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2022 Jun;260(6):2069-2071.
Menghesha L, Kirchhof B, Grajewski RS, Drebber U, Cursiefen C, Heindl LM. Einseitig rezidivierender Anstieg des Intraokulardrucks mit Hypopyon [Unilateral recurrent elevation of intraocular pressure with hypopyon]. Ophthalmologie. 2022 Jun;119(6):643-646.
Schaub F, Bachmann BO, Cursiefen C. Silicone oil endotamponade in eyes with Boston Keratoprosthesis Type 1. Acta Ophthalmol. 2022 Jun;100(4):e1041-e1042.
Adorf A, Lorenz K, Feltgen N, Wilhelm B; die AG DOG Klinische Studienzentren. Zusammenarbeit mit klinischen Auftragsforschungsinstituten : Vorstellung eines Fragebogens für klinische Studienzentren [Collaboration with clinical research organizations : Introduction of a questionnaire for clinical study centers]. Ophthalmologie. 2022 Jun;119(6):577-581.
Volatier T, Kluth A, Masslo C, Ganss C, Frank MH, rank N, Schumacher B, Notara M, Cursiefen C. UVB activates autophagy in corneal epithelial stem cells. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2022 Jun;63(7): 3265 - A03.
Schoenberg AP, Peckert-Maier K, Hadrian K, Hamdorf M, Cursiefen C, Zinser E, Bock F. Effect of sCD83 on direct allosensitization after corneal transplantation. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2022 Jun;63(7)417.
MotiQ: an open-source toolbox to quantify the cell motility and morphology of microglia.
, Musial G, Schoenberg AP, Georgiev T, Bock F, Eming SA, Cursiefen C, Hos D. The transcription factor NFAT5 is a crucial regulator of corneal edema resolution after injury. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2022 Jun;63(7)3625.
Wawer Matos PA, Rokohl AC, Doulis A, Simon M, Zwingelberg S, Roters S, Heindl LM. Multimodale Bildgebung bei einseitiger rötlicher Irisläsion [Multimodal imaging of a unilateral reddish iris lesion]. Ophthalmologie. 2022 May 31.
Yaïci R, Roth M, Juergens L, Nawaiseh SA, Burkhard D, Besgen V, Fuest M, Girbardt C, Hampel U, Heichel J, Heiligenhaus A, Herwig-Carl MC, Kakkassery V, Kontopoulou K, Löffler KU, Maier PC, Nölle B, Pach J, Paul S, Pleyer U, Pöllmann M, Saeger M, Schmidt E, Siebelmann S, Sokolenko E, Strudel L, Stübiger N, Tarhan M, Theuersbacher J, van Oterendorp C, Walker M, Wiecha C, Wykrota AA, Geerling G. On the Current Care Situation and Treatment of Ocular Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid in Germany. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2022 May 24.
Özer O, Mestanoglu M, Howaldt A, Clahsen T, Schiller P, Siebelmann S, Reinking N, Cursiefen C, Bachmann B, Matthaei M. Correlation of Clinical Fibrillar Layer Detection and Corneal Thickness in Advanced Fuchs Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy. J Clin Med. 2022 May 17;11(10):2815.
Zhang W, Schönberg A, Bock F, Cursiefen C. Posttransplant VEGFR1R2 Trap Eye Drops Inhibit Corneal (Lymph)angiogenesis and Improve Corneal Allograft Survival in Eyes at High Risk of Rejection. Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2022 May 2;11(5):6.
Cursiefen C, Bachmann B. Kindliche Hornhauttrübungen : Auch kleine Verbesserungen helfen lebenslang [Pediatric corneal opacities : Even small improvements provide lifelong help]. Ophthalmologe. 2022 May;119(5):441-442.
Schlereth SL, Gietzelt C, Zwingelberg S, Matthaei M, Bachmann B, Cursiefen C. Chirurgische Therapieoptionen bei kongenitalen/kindlichen Hornhauttrübungen und Vorderabschnittsdysgenesien [Surgical treatment options for congenital/infantile corneal opacities and anterior segment dysgenesis]. Ophthalmologe. 2022 May;119(5):453-461.
Grajewski RS, Tappeiner C, Thurau S. Targeted Medical History and Diagnostic Testing in Uveitis. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2022 May;239(5):654-658.
Matthaei M, Zwingelberg S, Siebelmann S, Howaldt A, Mestanoglu M, Schlereth SL, Giezelt C, Dötsch J, Fricke J, Neugebauer A, Lappas A, Dietlein T, Roters S, Bachmann BO, Cursiefen C. Diagnostik, Klinik und Genetik kongenitaler Hornhauttrübungen [Diagnostics, clinical aspects and genetics of congenital corneal opacities]. Ophthalmologe. 2022 May;119(5):443-452.
Schrittenlocher S, Grass C, Dietlein T, Lappas A, Matthaei M, Cursiefen C, Bachmann B. Graft survival of Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) in corneal endothelial decompensation after glaucoma surgery. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2022 May;260(5):1573-1582.
Li S, Rokohl AC, Guo Y, Heindl LM. 2D photos are great, but what about 3D imaging? Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2022 May;260(5):1799-1800.
Schrittenlocher S, Doulis A, Koch KR, Lappas A, Altay L, Lentzsch AM, Cursiefen C, Bachmann B, Prokosch-Willing V, Dietlein T. Dislokation eines STARflo-Glaukomdrainageimplantats mit begleitenden Komplikationen [Displacement of a STARflo glaucoma drainage implant with accompanying complications]. Ophthalmologe. 2022 May;119(5):512-515.
Cursiefen C, Bachmann B. Kindliche Hornhauttrübungen : Auch kleine Verbesserungen helfen lebenslang [Pediatric corneal opacities : Even small improvements provide lifelong help]. Ophthalmologe. 2022 May;119(5):441-442.
[Inflammatory Eye Disease - Uveitis Update]. Cursiefen C, Heiligenhaus A. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd. 2022 May;239(5)651-658
Hayashi T, Iliasian RM, Matthaei M, Schrittenlocher S, Masumoto H, Tanabe M, Tabuchi H, Siggel R, Bachmann B, Cursiefen C, Siebelmann S. Transferability of an Artificial Intelligence Algorithm Predicting Rebubblings After Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty. Cornea. 2022 Apr 22.
Goebel H, Koeditz B, Huerta M, Kameri E, Nestler T, Kamphausen T, Friemann J, Hamdorf M, Ohrmann T, Koehler P, Cornely OA, Montesinos-Rongen M, Nicol D, Schorle H, Boor P, Quaas A, Pallasch C, Heidenreich A, von Brandenstein M. COVID-19 Infection Induce miR-371a-3p Upregulation Resulting in Influence on Male Fertility. Biomedicines. 2022 Apr 6;10(4):858.
Feenstra HMA, Hahn LC, van Rijssen TJ, Tsonaka R, Breukink MB, Keunen JEE, Peters PJH, Dijkman G, Souied EH, MacLaren RE, Querques G, Downes SM, Fauser S, Hoyng CB, van Dijk EHC, Boon CJF. Efficacy of half-dose photodynamic therapy versus high-density subtreshold micropulse laser for treating pigment epithelial detachments in chronic central serous chorioretinopathy. Retina. 2022 Apr 1;42(4):721-729.
Li S, Guo Y, Hou X, Liu J, Fan W, Ju S, Matos PAW, Rokohl AC, Heindl LM. Mapping research trends of uveal melanoma: a bibliometric analysis. Int Ophthalmol. 2022 Apr;42(4):1121-1131.
Hou X, Rokohl AC, Guo Y, Heindl LM. Invited Response on: Letter to the Editor: ''Standardized Three-Dimensional Lateral Distraction Test: Ist Reliability to Assess Medial Canthal Tendon Laxity''. Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2022 Apr;46(Suppl 1):48-49.
Gaca PJ, Doulis A, Wawer Matos PA, Lewandowicz M, Rokohl AC, Heindl LM. Geteilter Tumor des Ober- und Unterlides [Divided tumor of the upper and lower eyelids]. Ophthalmologe. 2022 Apr;119(4):410-413.
Zwingelberg SB, Mercieca K, Elksne E, Scheffler S, Prokosch V. Einstellung von Patienten zu möglicher Telemedizin in der Ophthalmologie : Erhebung mittels Fragebogen bei Glaukompatienten [Attitude of patients to possible telemedicine in ophthalmology : Survey by questionnaire in patients with glaucoma]. Ophthalmologe. 2022 Apr;119(4):374-380.
Schöneberger V, Meyer FI, Lohneis P, Heindl LM. Follikuläres Lymphom der Bindehaut mit aggressiv transformiertem systemischem Befall [Follicular conjunctival lymphoma with aggressively transformed systemic involvement]. Ophthalmologe. 2022 Apr;119(4):388-391.
Xu D, Garg E, Lee K, Sakurada Y, Amphornphruet A, Phasukkijwatana N, Liakopoulos S, Pautler SE, Kreiger AE, Yzer S, Lee WK, Sadda S, Freund KB, Sarraf D. Long-term visual and anatomic outcomes of patients with peripapillary pachychoroid syndrome. Br J Ophthalmol. 2022 Apr;106(4):576-581.
Shi X, Li P, Liu H, Prokosch V. Oxidative Stress, Vascular Endothelium, and the Pathology of Neurodegeneration in Retina. Antioxidants (Basel). 2022 Mar 12;11(3):543.
Prokosch V, Zwingelberg SB, Mercieca K. Normaldruckglaukome [Normal Tension Glaucoma]. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2022 Mar 4.
de Jong S, de Breuk A, Volokhina EB, Bakker B, Garanto A, Fauser S, Katti S, Hoyng CB, Lechanteur YTE, van den Heuvel LP, den Hollander AI. Systemic complement levels in patients with age-related macular degeneration carrying rare or low-frequency variants in the CFH gene. Hum Mol Genet
2022 Feb 3;31(3):455-470
Fan W, Guo Y, Hou X, Liu J, Li S, Ju S, Matos PAW, Simon M, Rokohl AC, Heindl LM. Validation of the Portable Next-Generation VECTRA H2 3D Imaging System for Periocular Anthropometry. Front Med (Lausanne). 2022 Mar 11;9:833487.
Rokohl AC, Apel K, Heindl LM. Giant Conjunctival Carcinoma in an Adult Man. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2022 Mar 1;140(3):e215258.
Kakkassery V, Heindl LM. UV-Schutz am Auge– ein häufig vernachlässigtes Thema [UV-protection of the eyes-A frequently neglected topic]. Ophthalmologe. 2022 Mar;119(3):221-222.
Hayashi T, Siebelmann S. Rescue Technique to Solve Postoperative Refractory Double Anterior Chamber in Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty. Cornea. 2022 Mar 1;41(3):374-378.
Hribek A, Mestanoglu M, Clahsen T, Reinking N, Frentzen F, Howaldt A, Siebelmann S, Bachmann BO, Cursiefen C, Matthaei M. Scheimpflug Backscatter Imaging of the Fibrillar Layer in Fuchs Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy. Am J Ophthalmol. 2022 Mar;235:63-70.
Lang GE, Stahl A, Voegeler J, Quiering C, Zaremba L, Lorenz K, Spital G, Liakopoulos S. Observational outcomes in proliferative diabetic retinopathy patients following treatment with ranibizumab, panretinal laser photocoagulation or combination therapy - The non-interventional second year follow-up to the PRIDE study. Acta Ophthalmol. 2022 Mar;100(2):e578-e587.
Zwingelberg SB, Büscher F, Schrittenlocher S, Rokohl AC, Loreck N, Wawer-Matos P, Fassin A, Schaub F, Roters S, Matthaei M, Heindl LM, Bachmann BO, Cursiefen C. Long-Term Outcome of Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty in Eyes With Fuchs Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy Versus Pseudophakic Bullous Keratopathy. Cornea. 2022 Mar 1;41(3):304-309.
Thuret G, Courrier E, Poinard S, Gain P, Baud'Huin M, Martinache I, Cursiefen C, Maier P, Hjortdal J, Sanchez Ibanez J, Ponzin D, Ferrari S, Jones G, Griffoni C, Rooney P, Bennett K, Armitage WJ, Figueiredo F, Nuijts R, Dickman M. One threat, different answers: the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on cornea donation and donor selection across Europe. Br J Ophthalmol. 2022 Mar;106(3):312-318.
Hampel U, Elflein HM, Kakkassery V, Heindl LM, Schuster AK. UV-strahlenexpositionsbedingte Veränderungen am vorderen Augenabschnitt [Alterations of the anterior segment of the eye caused by exposure to UV radiation]. Ophthalmologe. 2022 Mar;119(3):234-239.
Li JQ, Kellner U, Lorenz B, Stahl A, Krohne TU. Frühgeborenenretinopathie [Retinopathy of Prematurity - Update on Classification, Screening, and Therapy]. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2022 Mar;239(3):346-363.
Volatier T, Schumacher B, Cursiefen C, Notara M. UV Protection in the Cornea: Failure and Rescue. Biology (Basel). 2022 Feb 10;11(2):278.
Tempfer H, Spitzer G, Lehner C, Wagner A, Gehwolf R, Fierlbeck J, Weissenbacher N, Jessen M, Heindl LM, Traweger A. VEGF-D-mediated signaling in tendon cells is involved in degenerative processes. FASEB J. 2022 Feb;36(2):e22126.
Goñi FJ, Barton K, Dias JA, Diestelhorst M, Garcia-Feijoo J, Hommer A, Kodjikian L, Nicolò M. Intravitreal Corticosteroid Implantation in Diabetic Macular Edema: Updated European Consensus Guidance on Monitoring and Managing Intraocular Pressure. Ophthalmol Ther. 2022 Feb;11(1):15-34.
Atta G, Tempfer H, Kaser-Eichberger A, Traweger A, Heindl LM, Schroedl F. Is the human sclera a tendon-like tissue? A structural and functional comparison. Ann Anat. 2022 Feb;240:151858.
Schaub F, Mestanoglu M, Cursiefen C, Hos D. Impact of early intensified postoperative corticosteroids on immune reaction rates after Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK). Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2022 Feb;260(2):693-695.
Jonas SB, Jonas RA, Panda-Jonas S, Jonas JB. Histopathology of myopic cobblestones. Acta Ophthalmol. 2022 Feb;100(1):111-117.
Stahl A, Bründer MC, Lagrèze WA, Molnár FE, Barth T, Eter N, Guthoff R, Krohne TU, Pfeil JM; CARE-ROP Study Group. Ranibizumab in retinopathy of prematurity - one-year follow-up of ophthalmic outcomes and two-year follow-up of neurodevelopmental outcomes from the CARE-ROP study. Acta Ophthalmol. 2022 Feb;100(1):e91-e99.
Peckert-Maier K, Schönberg A, Wild AB, Royzman D, Braun G, Stich L, Hadrian K, Tripal P, Cursiefen C, Steinkasserer A, Zinser E, Bock F. Pre-incubation of corneal donor tissue with sCD83 improves graft survival via the induction of alternatively activated macrophages and tolerogenic dendritic cells. Am J Transplant. 2022 Feb;22(2):438-454.
Li JQ, Kellner U, Lorenz B, Stahl A, Krohne TU. Retina, Vitreous Humor, Ocular Fundus Prenatal Retinopathy. Augenheilkunde up2date. 2022 Feb;12(1):13-32
Peil J, Bock F, Kiefer F, Schmidt R, Heindl LM, Cursiefen C, Schlereth SL. New Therapeutic Approaches for Conjunctival Melanoma-What We Know So Far and Where Therapy Is Potentially Heading: Focus on Lymphatic Vessels and Dendritic Cells. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Jan 27;23(3):1478.
Heichel J, Heindl LM, Struck HG. Congenital Anomalies in Lacrimal Drainage. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2022 Jan;239(1):46-56.
Gaca PJ, Lewandowicz M, Lipczynska-Lewandowska M, Simon M, Matos PAW, Doulis A, Rokohl AC, Heindl LM. Embryologic and Fetal Development of the Eyelid and the Lacrimal Drainage System. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2022 Jan;239(1):37-45.
Gaca PJ, Lewandowicz M, Lipczynska-Lewandowska M, Simon M, Matos PAW, Doulis A, Rokohl AC, Heindl LM. Fetal Development of the Orbit. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2022 Jan;239(1):27-36. English.
Gaca PJ, Lewandowicz M, Lipczynska-Lewandowska M, Simon M, Matos PAW, Doulis A, Rokohl AC, Heindl LM. Embryonic Development of the Orbit. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2022 Jan;239(1):19-26.
Tran BN, Maass M, Musial G, Stern ME, Gehlsen U, Steven P. Topical application of cannabinoid-ligands ameliorates experimental dry-eye disease. Ocul Surf. 2022 Jan;23:131-139.
Xie M, Li T, Luo Y, Li Y, Wang Y, Fan X, Heindl LM, Jia R. Intralesional diode laser pretreatment facilitates surgery for orbital venous malformations: initial experience with 23 consecutive patients. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2022 Jan;260(1):303-309.
Lentzsch A, Schöllhorn L, Schnorr C, Siggel R, Liakopoulos S. Comparison of swept-source versus spectral-domain optical coherence tomography angiography for detection of macular neovascularization. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2022 Jan;260(1):113-119.
Lentzsch AM, Adler W, Siebelmann S, Grajewski R, Schrittenlocher S, Bachmann BO, Cursiefen C, Heindl LM, Matthaei M. Impact of Early Intraocular Pressure Elevation on Postoperative Outcomes After Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty in Non-glaucoma Patients. Cornea. 2022 Jan 1;41(1):83-88.
Müller A, Wagner FM, Schuster AK, Günal B, Pfeiffer N, Schmidt F, Prokosch V. Notfälle in der Augenheilkunde: Vermittlung anhand interaktiver Key-feature-Fälle für Medizinstudierende [Ophthalmic emergencies: training via interactive key feature cases for medical students]. Ophthalmologe. 2022 Jan;119(Suppl 1):48-55.
Altay L, Lemke J, Schröder-Braunstein J, Gietzelt C, Sitnilska V, Schaub F, Cursiefen C, Enders P, Fauser S. Ocular and Systemic Complement Activation during Anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Treatment and Age-Related Eye Disease Study 2 Dietary Supplementation in Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Ophthalmologica. 2022;245(3):258-264.
Rokohl AC, Welsandt G, Heindl LM, Schaub F, Roters S. Plötzliche bilaterale Visusminderung und Gesichtsfeldausfälle [Sudden bilateral loss of vision with scotomas]. Ophthalmologe. 2022 Jan;119(1):79-83.
Wu Z, Pfau M, Blodi BA, Holz FG, Jaffe GJ, Liakopoulos S, Sadda SR, Staurenghi G, Bjelopera E, Brown T, Chang P, Choong J, Corradetti G, Corvi F, Domalpally A, Hurtenbach C, Nittala MG, Olson A, Pak JW, Pappe J, Saßmannshausen M, Skalak C, Thiele S, Guymer RH, Schmitz-Valckenberg S. OCT Signs of Early Atrophy in Age-Related Macular Degeneration: Interreader Agreement: Classification of Atrophy Meetings Report 6. Ophthalmol Retina. 2022 Jan;6(1):4-14.
Schöneberger V, Händel A, Osterholt T, Brinkkötter P, Altay L. Bilaterale seröse Netzhautablösung: mögliche Folge einer Parvovirus-Infektion? [Bilateral serous retinal detachment: possible complication of parvovirus infection?]. Ophthalmologe. 2022 Jan;119(Suppl 1):83-86.
Müller A, Schmidt F, Pfeiffer N, Brill A, Prokosch V. Evaluation eines nutzerorientierten eLearning-Angebots für die Augenheilkunde [Evaluation of a user habit-based ophthalmologic e-learning platform]. Ophthalmologe. 2022 Jan;119(1):13-19.
Altay L, Liakopoulos S, Berghold A, Rosenberger KD, Ernst A, de Breuk A, den Hollander AI, Fauser S, Schick T. Genetic and environmental risk factors for reticular pseudodrusen in the EUGENDA study. Mol Vis. 2021 Dec 31;27:757-767.
Jonas RA, Wei CC, Jonas JB, Wang YX. Decreasing myopic lacquer crack and widening parapapillary gamma zone: case report. BMC Ophthalmol. 2021 Dec 24;21(1):443.
Yan S, Golumba-Nagy V, Kotschenreuther K, Thiele J, Refaian N, Shuya D, Gloyer L, Dittrich-Salamon M, Meyer A, Heindl LM, Kofler DM. Membrane-bound IL-6R is upregulated on Th17 cells and inhibits Treg cell migration by regulating post-translational modification of VASP in autoimmune arthritis. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2021 Dec 16;79(1):3.
de Breuk A, Lechanteur YTE, Heesterbeek TJ, Fauser S, Klaver CCW, Hoyng CB, den Hollander AI. Genetic Risk in Families with Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Ophthalmol Sci. 2021 Dec 6;1(4):100087.
Wang M, Milic M, Gericke A, Mercieca K, Liu H, Ruan Y, Jiang S, van Beers T, von Pein HD, Müller MB, Prokosch V. Chronic social defeat stress causes retinal vascular dysfunction. Exp Eye Res. 2021 Dec;213:108853.
Neuhann R, Neuhann T, Hörster R, Cursiefen C, Guell J, Siebelmann S. Laser-integrated real-time OCT in anterior segment procedures. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2021 Dec 1;47(12):e88-e92.
Kiessling D, Rennings C, Hild M, Lappas A, Dietlein TS, Roessler GF, Widder RA. Impact of failed ab-interno trabeculectomy (trabectome) on subsequent XEN45 gel stent implantation in pseudophakic eyes. Int Ophthalmol. 2021 Dec;41(12):4047-4053.
Rokohl AC, Heindl LM. Effective systemic treatment of advanced periocular basal cell carcinoma with sonidegib. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2021 Dec;259(12):3821-3822.
Scholz P, Altay L, Sitnilska V, van Dijk EHC, Pereira AM, van Haalen FM, Akhtar I, Boon CJF, Fauser S. Salivary alpha-amylase levels may correlate with central serous chorioretinopathy activity. Retina. 2021 Dec 1;41(12):2479-2484.
Hou X, Rokohl AC, Meinke MM, Liu J, Li S, Fan W, Lin M, Jia R, Guo Y, Heindl LM. Standardized Three-Dimensional Lateral Distraction Test: Ist Reliability to Assess Medial Canthal Tendon Laxity. Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2021 Dec;45(6):2798-2807.
Cursiefen C, Hos D. Cutting Edge: Novel Treatment Options Targeting Corneal Neovascularization to Improve High-Risk Corneal Graft Survival. Cornea. 2021 Dec 1;40(12):1512-1518.
Rokohl AC, Fätkenheuer G, Cursiefen C, Heindl LM. No secret hiding place on the ocular surface: what about after systemic SARS-CoV-2 infection? Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2021 Dec;259(12):3817-3818.
Händel A, Siebelmann S, Hos D, Ögrünc F, Matthaei M, Cursiefen C, Bachmann B. Comparison of Mini-DMEK versus predescemetal sutures as treatment of acute hydrops in keratoconus. Acta Ophthalmol. 2021 Dec;99(8):e1326-e1333.
Li JQ, Kellner U, Lorenz B, Stahl A, Krohne TU. Screening auf Frühgeborenenretinopathie– die wichtigsten Änderungen in der neuen deutschen Leitlinie 2020 [Screening for retinopathy of prematurity-the most important changes in the new German guidelines 2020]. Ophthalmologe. 2021
Wabbels B, Fricke J, Schittkowski M, Gräf M, Lorenz B, Bau V, Nentwich MM, Atili A, Eckstein A, Sturm V, Beisse C, Sterker I, Neppert B, Mauschitz MM. Yokoyama procedure for esotropia associated with high myopia: real-world data from a large-scale multicentre analysis. Acta Ophthalmol. 2021 Dec;99(8):e1340-e1347.
Rokohl AC, Trester M, Naderi P, Loreck N, Zwingelberg S, Bucher F, Pine KR, Heindl LM. Dry anophthalmic socket syndrome - morphological alterations in meibomian glands. Eye (Lond). 2021 Dec;35(12):3358-3366.
Khan AS, Wolf A, Langmann T. The AhR ligand 2, 2'-aminophenyl indole (2AI) regulates microglia homeostasis and reduces pro-inflammatory signaling. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2021 Nov 19;579:15-21.
Jonas SB, Panda-Jonas S, Jonas JB, Jonas RA. Histology of neovascular myopic macular degeneration. Sci Rep. 2021 Nov 9;11(1):21908.
Hou X, Guo Y, Li S, Lin M, Jia R, Rokohl A, Heindl LM. Lateral tarsal strip procedure for involutional ectropion: A retrospective analysis of 85 cases and a comprehensive literature review. Adv Ophthalmol Pract Res. 2021 Sep 9;1(1):100004.
Langmann T. Cytokine signaling as key regulator of pathological angiogenesis in the eye. EBioMedicine. 2021 Nov;73:103662.
Gass P; Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft (DOG); Mele B, Eter N; Vereinigung Ophthalmologischer Lehrstuhlinhaber (VOL); Hattenbach LO; Vereinigung deutscher Ophthalmologischer Chefärzte (DOCH); Cursiefen C. Deutsche Augenkliniken versorgen Patienten stationär, überwiegend aber ambulant : Ergebnisse einer Umfrage von DOG, VOL und DOCH [German eye clinics do perform inpatient treatment, but outpatient treatments predominate: Results of a survey by the DOG, the VOL, and the DOCH]. Ophthalmologe. 2021 Nov;118(11):1089-1090.
Li JQ, Dell J, Höller T, Fink D, Schmid M, Heinz C, Finger RP. Das Treatment Exit Options for Uveitis (TOFU) Register: Einbindung von Patienten in die Evidenzgenerierung [The Treatment Exit Options for Uveitis (TOFU) Registry: Involving Patients in the Generation of Evidence]. Gesundheitswesen. 2021 Nov;83(S 01):S39-S44.
Rokohl AC, Wagner B, Heindl LM. Chemotherapy-Induced Toxic Orbitopathy with Combined Ischemic Optic Neuropathy and Central Artery Occlusion. Ophthalmology. 2021 Nov;128(11):1619.
Rokohl AC, Heindl LM, Cursiefen C. Pterygium und Pinguecula [Pterygium and pinguecula]. Ophthalmologe. 2021 Nov;118(11):1163-1164.
Heindl LM, Platzl C, Wolfmeier H, Herwig-Carl MC, Kaser-Eichberger A, Strohmaier C, Schroedl F. Choroidal melanocytes: subpopulations of different origin? Ann Anat. 2021 Nov;238:151775.
Jonas JB, Dong L, Da Chen S, Neumaier M, Findeisen P, Panda-Jonas S, Jonas RA. Intraocular epidermal growth factor concentration, axial length, and high axial myopia. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2021 Nov;259(11):3229-3234.
van Rijssen TJ, van Dijk EHC, Scholz P, Breukink MB, Dijkman G, Peters PJH, Tsonaka R, Keunen JEE, MacLaren RE, Hoyng CB, Downes SM, Fauser S, Boon CJF. Long-term follow-up of chronic central serous chorioretinopathy after successful treatment with photodynamic therapy or micropulse laser. Acta Ophthalmol. 2021 Nov;99(7):805-811.
de Breuk A, Acar IE, Kersten E, Schijvenaars MMVAP, Colijn JM, Haer-Wigman L, Bakker B, de Jong S, Meester-Smoor MA, Verzijden T, Missotten TOAR, Monés J, Biarnés M, Pauleikhoff D, Hense HW, Silva R, Nunes S, Melo JB, Fauser S, Hoyng CB, Ueffing M, Coenen MJH, Klaver CCW, den Hollander AI; EYE-RISK Consortium. Development of a Genotype Assay for Age-Related Macular Degeneration: The EYE- RISK Consortium. Ophthalmology. 2021 Nov;128(11):1604-1617.
Keidel LF, Zwingelberg S, Schworm B, Luft N, Herold T, Priglinger SG, Siedlecki J. Pachychoroid disease and its association with retinal vein occlusion: a case-control study. Sci Rep. 2021 Oct 6;11(1):19854.
van Rijssen TJ, Hahn LC, van Dijk EHC, Tsonaka R, Scholz P, Breukink MB, Blanco-Garavito R, Souied EH, Keunen JEE, MacLaren RE, Querques G, Fauser S, Downes SM, Hoyng CB, Boon CJF. Response of choroidal abnormalities to photodynamic therapy versus micropulse laser in chronic central serous chorioretinopathy.Place Trial Report No. 4. Retina. 2021 Oct 1;41(10):2122-2131.
Wolff D, Radojcic V, Lafyatis R, Cinar R, Rosenstein RK, Cowen EW, Cheng GS, Sheshadri A, Bergeron A, Williams KM, Todd JL, Teshima T, Cuvelier GDE, Holler E, McCurdy SR, Jenq RR, Hanash AM, Jacobsohn D, Santomasso BD, Jain S, Ogawa Y, Steven P, Luo ZK, Dietrich-Ntoukas T, Saban D, Bilic E, Penack O, Griffith LM, Cowden M, Martin PJ, Greinix HT, Sarantopoulos S, Socie G, Blazar BR, Pidala J, Kitko CL, Couriel DR, Cutler C, Schultz KR, Pavletic SZ, Lee SJ, Paczesny S. National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Project on Criteria for Clinical Trials in Chronic Graft-versus-Host Disease: IV. The 2020 Highly morbid forms report. Transplant Cell Ther. 2021 Oct;27(10):817-835.
Jonas RA, Rokohl AC, Kakkassery V, Ponto KA, Lohneis P, Heindl LM. Diagnostik von benignen und malignen Tumoren der Orbita [Diagnostics of benign and malignant tumors of the orbit]. Ophthalmologe. 2021 Oct;118(10):987-994.
Heindl LM, Rokohl AC. Orbital implants: material matters. Br J Ophthalmol. 2021 Oct;105(10):1337.
Ponto KA, Heindl LM, Kakkassery V. SOP Versorgung von orbitalen Tumoren [SOP best care of orbital tumors]. Ophthalmologe. 2021 Oct;118(10):1012.
Ponto KA, Brockmann MA, Koutsimpelas D, Heider J, Ringel FA, Heindl LM, Kakassery V. Exzisionale Chirurgie orbitaler Tumoren [Excisional surgery of orbital tumors]. Ophthalmologe. 2021 Oct;118(10):995-1003.
Moshiri I, Karimi-Golkar D, Schrittenlocher S, Cursiefen C, Bachmann B. Outcomes of Pseudophakic, Phakic, and Triple DMEK. Cornea. 2021 Oct 1;40(10):1253-1257.
Drozhzhyna G, Gaidamaka TB, Cursiefen C, Bachmann BO, Matthaei M, Siebelmann S, Ostashevsky V, Ivanovska OV, Kogan BM. Effiziente Verwendung von Hornhauttransplantaten durch multimodales Spendergewebesplitting [Efficient Use of Corneal Grafts through Multimodal Donor Tissue Splitting]. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2021 Oct;238(10):1120-1127.
Hayashi T, Masumoto H, Tabuchi H, Ishitobi N, Tanabe M, Grün M, Bachmann B, Cursiefen C, Siebelmann S. A deep learning approach for successful big-bubble formation prediction in deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty. Sci Rep. 2021 Sep 17;11(1):18559.
Katz T, Druckiv V, Siebelmann S, Frings A, Skevas C. Prediction model of free flaps in microkeratome-assisted LASIK. PLoS One. 2021 Sep 1;16(9):e0255525.
Riekert M, Schick VC, Schumacher L, Zöller JE, Kreppel M, Schick T. Volumetric Analysis and Clinical Outcome in 54 Patients with Retrobulbar Hematoma. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2021 Sep;79(9):1914-1920.
Uemura A, Fruttiger M, D'Amore PA, De Falco S, Joussen AM, Sennlaub F, Brunck LR, Johnson KT, Lambrou GN, Rittenhouse KD, Langmann T. VEGFR1 signaling in retinal angiogenesis and microinflammation. Prog Retin Eye Res. 2021 Sep;84:100954.
Jaffe GJ, Chakravarthy U, Freund KB, Guymer RH, Holz FG, Liakopoulos S, Monés JM, Rosenfeld PJ, Sadda SR, Sarraf D, Schmitz-Valckenberg S, Spaide RF, Staurenghi G, Tufail A, Curcio CA. Imaging Features Associated with Progression to Geographic Atrophy in Age-Related Macular Degeneration: Classification of Atrophy Meeting Report 5. Ophthalmol Retina. 2021 Sep;5(9):855-867.
Loreck N, Geries C, Schrittenlocher S, Siebelmann S, Matthaei M, Bachmann B, Hayashi T, Cursiefen C. Effect of Anticoagulant Therapy on the Outcome of Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty. Cornea. 2021 Sep 1;40(9):1147-1151.
Gietzelt C, Kiessling D, Widder RA, Heindl LM, Cursiefen C, Dietlein TS, Enders P. Combined ab-interno trabeculectomy and cataract surgery induces comparable intraocular pressure reduction in supine and sitting positions. Int J Ophthalmol. 2021 Aug 18;14(8):1192-1198.
Kasper M, Walscheid K, Laffer B, Bauer D, Busch M, Loser K, Vogl T, Langmann T, Ganser G, Rath T, Heiligenhaus A. Phenotype of Innate Immune Cells in Uveitis Associated with Axial Spondyloarthritis- and Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis-associated Uveitis. Ocul Immunol Inflamm. 2021 Aug 18;29(6):1080-1089.
Hou X, Rokohl AC, Meinke MM, Li S, Liu J, Fan W, Lin M, Jia R, Guo Y, Heindl LM. A novel standardized distraction test to evaluate lower eyelid tension using three-dimensional stereophotogrammetry. Quant Imaging Med Surg. 2021 Aug;11(8):3735-3748.
Wisdorf M, Kowalski R, Kiessling D, Roessler GF, Widder RA. A Case of Endocarditis Following Endophthalmitis After XEN45 Gel Stent Implantation. J Glaucoma. 2021 Aug 1;30(8):e357-e359.
Atta G, Schroedl F, Kaser-Eichberger A, Spitzer G, Traweger A, Heindl LM, Tempfer H. Scleraxis expressing scleral cells respond to inflammatory stimulation. Histochem Cell Biol. 2021 Aug;156(2):123-132.
Volk AE, Hedergott A, Preising M, Rading S, Fricke J, Herkenrath P, Nürnberg P, Altmüller J, von Ameln S, Lorenz B, Neugebauer A, Karsak M, Kubisch C. Biallelic mutations in L-dopachrome tautomerase (DCT) cause infantile nystagmus and oculocutaneous albinism. Hum Genet. 2021 Aug;140(8):1157-1168.
Larkin F, Heindl LM, He M, Moosajee M. Publication objectives and processes at the <i>British Journal of Ophthalmology</i>: what authors and readers need to know. Br J Ophthalmol. 2021 Aug;105(8):1041-1042.
Liu J, Rokohl AC, Guo Y, Li S, Hou X, Fan W, Formuzal M, Lin M, Heindl LM. Reliability of Stereophotogrammetry for Area Measurement in the Periocular Region. Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2021 Aug;45(4):1601-1610.
Guo Y, Liu J, Ruan Y, Rokohl AC, Hou X, Li S, Jia R, Koch KR, Heindl LM. A novel approach quantifying the periorbital morphology: A comparison of direct, 2-dimensional, and 3-dimensional technologies. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2021 Aug;74(8):1888-1899.
Siebelmann S, Kolb K, Scholz P, Matthaei M, Franklin J, Händel A, Schrittenlocher S, Hayashi T, Guell JL, Bachmann B, Cursiefen C. The Cologne rebubbling study: a reappraisal of 624 rebubblings after Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty. Br J Ophthalmol. 2021 Aug;105(8):1082-1086.
Jonas JB, Yan YN, Zhang Q, Jonas RA, Wang YX. Choroidal shift in myopic eyes in the 10-year follow-up Beijing eye study. Sci Rep. 2021 Jul 19;11(1):14658.
Hou Y, Bock F, Hos D, Cursiefen C. Lymphatic Trafficking in the Eye: Modulation of Lymphatic Trafficking to Promote Corneal Transplant Survival. Cells. 2021 Jul 2;10(7):1661.
Rokohl AC, Heindl LM, Cursiefen C. Pterygium: what about point of care biomarkers? [Pterygium: what about point of care biomarkers?]. Ophthalmologe. 2021 Jul;118(7):765-766. German.
Heindl LM, Borderie VM. Plague rampant: two sides of the coin. Br J Ophthalmol. 2021 Jul;105(7):891-892.
Rokohl AC, Welsandt G, Heindl LM, Schaub F, Roters S. Erratum zu: Plötzliche bilaterale Visusminderung und Gesichtsfeldausfälle [Erratum to: Sudden bilateral loss of vision with scotomas]. Ophthalmologe. 2021 Jul;118(Suppl 2):177-178.
Rokohl AC, Heindl LM, Cursiefen C. Erratum zu: Pterygium: Pathogenese, Diagnose und Therapie [Erratum to: Pterygium: pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment]. Ophthalmologe. 2021 Jul;118(Suppl 2):179-180.
Kitko CL, Pidala J, Schoemans HM, Lawitschka A, Flowers ME, Cowen EW, Tkaczyk E, Farhadfar N, Jain S, Steven P, Luo ZK, Ogawa Y, Stern M, Yanik GA, Cuvelier GDE, Cheng GS, Holtan SG, Schultz KR, Martin PJ, Lee SJ, Pavletic SZ, Wolff D, Paczesny S, Blazar BR, Sarantopoulos S, Socie G, Greinix H, Cutler C. National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Project on Criteria for Clinical Trials in Chronic Graft-versus-Host Disease: IIa. The 2020 Clinical Implementation and Early Diagnosis Working Group Report. Transplant Cell Ther. 2021 Jul;27(7):545-557.
Rokohl AC, Heindl LM, Cursiefen C. Pterygium: Pathogenese, Diagnose und Therapie [Pterygium: pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment]. Ophthalmologe. 2021 Jul;118(7):749-763.
Hou X, Guo Y, Liu J, Li S, Fan W, Lin M, Rokohl AC, Heindl LM. A Systematic Review of the Clinical Manifestations and Diagnostic Methods for Macular Coloboma. Curr Eye Res. 2021 Jul;46(7):913-918.
Müller A, Wagner FM, Matlach J, Zimmermann M, Troeber H, Ponto KA, Brill A, Schmidt F, Pfeiffer N, Schuster AK, Prokosch-Willing V. Umsetzung eines digitalen Semesters Augenheilkunde während der COVID-19-Pandemie [Implementation of a digital semester for ophthalmology during the COVID-19 pandemic]. Ophthalmologe. 2021 Jul;118(7):643-651.
Colijn JM, Meester-Smoor M, Verzijden T, de Breuk A, Silva R, Merle BMJ, Cougnard-Grégoire A, Hoyng CB, Fauser S, Coolen A, Creuzot-Garcher C, Hense HW, Ueffing M, Delcourt C, den Hollander AI, Klaver CCW; EYE-RISK Consortium. Genetic Risk, Lifestyle, and Age-Related Macular Degeneration in Europe: The EYE-RISK Consortium. Ophthalmology. 2021 Jul;128(7):1039-1049.
Gehlsen U, Stary D, Maass M, Riesner K, Musial G, Stern ME, Penack O, Steven P. Ocular Graft-versus-Host Disease in a Chemotherapy-Based Minor-Mismatch Mouse Model Features Corneal (Lymph-) Angiogenesis. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Jun 8;22(12):6191.
Cursiefen C. Hochrisikokeratoplastik: die zweite (R)evolution im Hornhautbereich? [High-risk keratoplasty: the second (r)evolution in corneal surgery?]. Ophthalmologe. 2021 Jun;118(6):534-535. German.
Matthaei M, Hos D, Bock F, Le VNH, Hou Y, Schaub F, Siebelmann S, Zhang W, Roters S, Bachmann BO, Cursiefen C. Präkonditionierung von vaskularisierten Hochrisikoaugen mittels Feinnadeldiathermie und Crosslinking [Preconditioning of vascularized high-risk eyes using fine-needle diathermy and cross-linking]. Ophthalmologe. 2021 Jun;118(6):553-560.
Hos D, Schlereth S, Schrittenlocher S, Hayashi T, Bock F, Matthaei M, Bachmann BO, Cursiefen C. „Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty“ (DMEK) bei Transplantatversagen nach perforierender Keratoplastik und in vaskularisierten Hochrisikoaugen [Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) for graft failure after penetrating keratoplasty and in vascularized high-risk eyes]. Ophthalmologe. 2021 Jun;118(6):536-543.
Schaub F, Matthaei M, Enders P, Siebelmann S, Hos D, Bachmann BO, Cursiefen C. Versorgung von vaskularisierten Hochrisikoaugen mittels Boston-Keratoprothese [Treatment of vascularized high-risk eyes with a Boston keratoprosthesis]. Ophthalmologe. 2021 Jun;118(6):544-552.
Rokohl AC, Grajewski RS, Wawer Matos PA, Koch HL, Dewald F, Klein F, Fätkenheuer G, Lehmann C, Cursiefen C, Heindl LM. No secret hiding place? Absence of SARS-CoV-2 on the ocular surface of 1145 hospitalized patients in a pandemic area. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2021 Jun;259(6):1605-1608.
Claessens D, Schuster AK, Krüger RV, Liegl M, Singh L, Kirchhof B. Test-Retest-Reliability of Computer-Based Metamorphopsia Measurement in Macular Diseases. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2021 Jun;238(6):703-710.
Hayashi T, Zhang W, Hos D, Schrittenlocher S, Nhat Hung Le V, Siebelmann S, Matthaei M, Bock F, Bachmann B, Cursiefen C. Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty in Vascularized Eyes: Outcome and Effect on Corneal Neovascularization. Cornea. 2021 Jun 1;40(6):685-689.
Li L, Zhu H, Zhang Z, Zhao L, Xu L, Jonas RA, Garway-Heath DF, Jonas JB, Wang YX. Neural Network-Based Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Profile Compensation for Glaucoma Diagnosis in Myopia: Model Development and Validation. JMIR Med Inform. 2021 May 18;9(5):e22664.
Chichan H, Maus M, Heindl LM. Subthreshold Nanosecond Laser, from Trials to Real-Life Clinical Practice: A Cohort Study. Clin Ophthalmol. 2021 May 6;15:1887-1895.
Lin T, Quellier D, Lamb J, Voisin T, Baral P, Bock F, Schönberg A, Mirchev R, Pier G, Chiu I, Gadjeva M. Pseudomonas aeruginosa-induced nociceptor activation increases susceptibility to infection. PLoS Pathog. 2021 May 6;17(5):e1009557.
Kakkassery V, Heindl LM, Rokohl AC, Chronopoulos A, Schutz JS, Ranjbar M, Schargus M, Böker A, Winterhalter S, Stübiger N. Primary Vitreoretinal Lymphoma Therapy Monitoring: Significant Vitreous Haze Reduction After Intravitreal Rituximab. Neurosignals. 2021 May 5;29(S1):1-7.
Foster JW, Parikh RN, Wang J, Bower KS, Matthaei M, Chakravarti S, Jun AS, Eberhart CG, Soiberman US. Transcriptomic and Immunohistochemical Analysis of Progressive Keratoconus Reveal Altered WNT10A in Epithelium and Bowman's Layer. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2021 May 3;62(6):16.
Rokohl AC, Grajewski RS, Matos PAW, Kopecky A, Heindl LM, Cursiefen C. Ocular Involvement in COVID-19: Conjunctivitis and More. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2021 May;238(5):555-560.
Fabretti F, Tschernoster N, Erger F, Hedergott A, Buescher AK, Dafinger C, Reusch B, Köntges VK, Kohl S, Bartram MP, Weber LT, Thiele H, Altmueller J, Schermer B, Beck BB, Habbig S. Expanding the Spectrum of FAT1 Nephropathies by Novel Mutations That Affect Hippo Signaling. Kidney Int Rep. 2021 Jan 29;6(5):1368-1378.
Joachim SC, Prokosch V. Der Weg zur Professur [The path to professorship]. Ophthalmologe. 2021 May;118(5):517-518.
Heinzelmann S, Böhringer D, Maier PC, Seitz B, Cursiefen C, Maier AB, Dietrich-Ntoukas T, Geerling G, Viestenz A, Pfeiffer N, Reinhard T. Survey of Rejection Prophylaxis Following Suture Removal in Penetrating Keratoplasty in Germany. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2021 May;238(5):591-597.
Liu J, Guo Y, Arakelyan M, Rokohl AC, Heindl LM. Accuracy of Areal Measurement in the Periocular Region Using Stereophotogrammetry. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2021 May;79(5):1106.e1-1106.e9.
Trigaux C, Salla S, Schroeter J, Tourtas T, Thomasen H, Maier P, Hellwinkel OJC, Wittmershaus I, Merz PR, Seitz B, Nölle B, Schrage N, Roters S, Apel M, Gareiss-Lok A, Uhlig CE, Thaler S, Raber F, Kampik D, Geerling G, Menzel-Severing J. SARS-CoV-2: Impact on, Risk Assessment and Countermeasures in German Eye Banks. Curr Eye Res. 2021 May;46(5):666-671.
Doulis AE, Koch KR, Heindl LM. Fungal Infection in an Exenterated Orbit. Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg. 2021 May-Jun 01;37(3S):S148-S149.
Kakkassery V, Grajewski RS, Heindl LM. Diagnostik und Grading intraokulärer Lymphome [Diagnostics and grading of intraocular lymphoma]. Ophthalmologe. 2021 May;118(5):494-495.
Kopecky A, Rokohl AC, Nemcansky J, Koch KR, Matousek P, Heindl LM. Das retrobulbäre Hämatom – eine potenziell visusbedrohende Komplikation [Retrobulbar Haematoma - a Complication that May Impair Vision]. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2021 May;238(5):609-615.
Feng Y, Prokosch V, Liu H. Current Perspective of Hydrogen Sulfide as a Novel Gaseous Modulator of Oxidative Stress in Glaucoma. Antioxidants (Basel). 2021 Apr 26;10(5):671.
Jonas RA, Yan YN, Zhang Q, Wang YX, Jonas JB. Elongation of the disc-fovea distance and retinal vessel straightening in high myopia in a 10-year follow-up of the Beijing eye study. Sci Rep. 2021 Apr 26;11(1):9006.
Li P, Liu H, Shi X, Prokosch V. Hydrogen Sulfide: Novel Endogenous and Exogenous Modulator of Oxidative Stress in Retinal Degeneration Diseases. Molecules. 2021 Apr 21;26(9):2411.
Hadrian K, Willenborg S, Bock F, Cursiefen C, Eming SA, Hos D. Macrophage-Mediated Tissue Vascularization: Similarities and Differences Between Cornea and Skin. Front Immunol. 2021 Apr 7;12:667830.
Setu MAK, Horstmann J, Schmidt S, Stern ME, Steven P. Deep learning-based automatic meibomian gland segmentation and morphology assessment in infrared meibography. Sci Rep. 2021 Apr 7;11(1):7649.
Lindemann C, Enders P, Brinkkoetter PT, Völker LA. Crystalline deposits in the cornea and various areas of the kidney as symptoms of an underlying monoclonal gammopathy: a case report. BMC Nephrol. 2021 Apr 6;22(1):117.
Lauwen S, Lefeber DJ, Fauser S, Hoyng CB, den Hollander AI. Increased pro-MMP9 plasma levels are associated with neovascular age-related macular degeneration and with the risk allele of rs142450006 near <i>MMP9</i>. Mol Vis. 2021 Apr 2;27:142-150.
Liu H, Prokosch V. Energy Metabolism in the Inner Retina in Health and Glaucoma. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Apr 1;22(7):3689.
Kiessling D, Rennings C, Hild M, Lappas A, Dietlein TS, Roessler GF, Widder RA. Predictability of ab-interno trabeculectomy success in the subsequent eye: A contralateral eye comparison study. Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2021 Apr;49(3):242-250.
Mahajan A, Hasíková L, Hampel U, Grüneboom A, Shan X, Herrmann I, Garreis F, Bock F, Knopf J, Singh J, Schauer C, Mahajan S, Leppkes M, Paulsen F, Schlötzer-Schrehardt U, Krenn V, Jünemann A, Hohberger B, Schett G, Herrmann M, Muñoz LE. Aggregated neutrophil extracellular traps occlude Meibomian glands during ocular surface inflammation. Ocul Surf. 2021 Apr;20:1-12.
Li S, Siggel R, Guo Y, Loreck N, Rokohl AC, Kurschat C, Heindl LM. Corneal densitometry: a potential indicator for early diagnosis of Fabry disease. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2021 Apr;259(4):941-948.
van Rijssen TJ, van Dijk EHC, Scholz P, MacLaren RE, Fauser S, Downes SM, Hoyng CB, Boon CJF. Outcome of half-dose photodynamic therapy in chronic central serous chorioretinopathy with fovea-involving atrophy. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2021 Apr;259(4):905-910.
Appenteng Osae E, Steven P. Meibomian Gland Dysfunction in Ocular Graft vs. Host Disease: A Need for Pre-Clinical Models and Deeper Insights. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Mar 29;22(7):3516.
Norrick A, Esterlechner J, Niebergall-Roth E, Dehio U, Sadeghi S, Schröder HM, Ballikaya S, Stemler N, Ganss C, Dieter K, Dachtler AK, Merz P, Sel S, Chodosh J, Cursiefen C, Frank NY, Auffarth GU, Ksander B, Frank MH, Kluth MA. Process development and safety evaluation of ABCB5<sup>+</sup> limbal stem cells as advanced-therapy medicinal product to treat limbal stem cell deficiency. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2021 Mar 19;12(1):194.
Grajewski RS, Rokohl AC, Becker M, Paulsen F, Heindl LM. Malignancy going viral: ACE2 and TMPRSS2 expression in conjunctival neoplastic diseases. Ann Anat. 2021 Mar;234:151661.
Larsen PP, Müller A, Lagrèze WA, Holz FG, Stahl A, Krohne TU; German Retina.net ROP Registry Study Group. Incidence of retinopathy of prematurity in Germany: evaluation of current screening criteria. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2021 Mar;106(2):189-193.
Sitnilska V, Enders P, Cursiefen C, Fauser S, Altay L. Association of imaging biomarkers and local activation of complement in aqueous humor of patients with early forms of age-related macular degeneration. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2021 Mar;259(3):623-632.
Rokohl AC, Trester M, Hinkelbein J, Heindl LM. Implosion von Augenprothesen – Bedeutung von Form und Material [Implosion of prosthetic eyes-Significance of type and material]. Ophthalmologe. 2021 Mar;118(3):285-286.
Le VNH, Wabnig F, Bachmann B, Cursiefen C. Epithelial downgrowth after Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2021 Mar;31(2):NP27-NP32.
Schaub F, Gözlügöl N, von Goscinski C, Enders P, Heindl LM, Dahlke C. Outcome of autologous platelet concentrate and gas tamponade compared to heavy silicone oil tamponade in persistent macular hole surgery. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2021 Mar;31(2):664-672.
Müller J, Schiffer A, Cursiefen C, Heindl LM. Retraction Note to: Diversität im klinischen Alltag der Augenheilkunde [Retraction Note to: Diversity in daily clinical practice of ophthalmology]. Ophthalmologe. 2021 Feb;118(2):196.
Behnke V, Langmann T. Neuroinflammation bei neuronalen Ceroid-Lipofuszinosen [Neuroinflammation in neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis]. Ophthalmologe. 2021 Feb;118(2):98-105.
Schaub F, Hou Y, Zhang W, Bock F, Hos D, Cursiefen C. Corneal Crosslinking to Regress Pathologic Corneal Neovascularization Before High-Risk Keratoplasty. Cornea. 2021 Feb 1;40(2):147-155.
Hribek A, Clahsen T, Horstmann J, Siebelmann S, Loreck N, Heindl LM, Bachmann BO, Cursiefen C, Matthaei M. Fibrillar Layer as a Marker for Areas of Pronounced Corneal Endothelial Cell Loss in Advanced Fuchs Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy. Am J Ophthalmol. 2021 Feb;222:292-301.
Fernández-Avellaneda P, Freund KB, Wang RK, He Q, Zhang Q, Fragiotta S, Xu X, Ledesma-Gil G, Sugiura Y, Breazzano MP, Yannuzzi LA, Liakopoulos S, Sarraf D, Dolz-Marco R. Multimodal Imaging Features and Clinical Relevance of Subretinal Lipid Globules. Am J Ophthalmol. 2021 Feb;222:112-125.
Heindl LM, Trester M, Guo Y, Zwiener F, Sadat N, Pine NS, Pine KR, Traweger A, Rokohl AC. Anxiety and depression in patients wearing prosthetic eyes. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2021 Feb;259(2):495-503.
Díaz-Lezama N, Wolf A, Koch S, Pfaller AM, Biber J, Guillonneau X, Langmann T, Grosche A. PDGF Receptor Alpha Signaling Is Key for Müller Cell Homeostasis Functions. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Jan 25;22(3):1174.
Jonas RA, Brandt CF, Zhang Q, Wang YX, Jonas JB. Location of Parapapillary Gamma Zone and Vertical Fovea Location. The Beijing Eye Study 2011. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2021 Jan 4;62(1):18.
Händel A, Stern C, Jordan J, Dietlein T, Enders P, Cursiefen C. Eye changes in space : New insights into clinical aspects, pathogenesis, and prevention. Ophthalmologe. 2021 Jan;118(Suppl 1):96-101. English.
Mor JM, Rokohl AC, Mauch C, Heindl LM. Interdisciplinary Surveillance of Ocular Melanomas: Experiences in a German Tertiary Centre. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2021 Jan;238(1):85-91.
Hedergott A, Pink-Theofylaktopoulos U, Neugebauer A, Fricke J. Tendon elongation with bovine pericardium in strabismus surgery-indications beyond Graves' orbitopathy. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2021 Jan;259(1):145-155.
Tahmaz V, Wiesen MHJ, Gehlsen U, Sauerbier L, Stern ME, Holtick U, Gathof B, Scheid C, Müller C, Steven P. Detection of systemic immunosuppressants in autologous serum eye drops (ASED) in patients with severe chronic ocular graft versus host disease. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2021 Jan;259(1):121-128.
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